In preparation for another script, this web site was priviledged to visit Cheltenham high school recently and take still and video pictures of Wendy Friedman while she taught her exercise class. You have seen pictures on this web site of Wendy, and her husband David, especially concerning their recent trip to Israel.

At one time in the distant past, Wendy and David were regulars of Israeli dance sessions. In Nov 2010, at Sharon and Aaron's oldies marathon, they renewed their interest in this and today are regulars at the Sunday morning Germantown session and Don's Beth Sholom class not to mention frequenting other sessions in the region.

The pictures below are some of the stills taken at Cheltenham. These are displayed in random order without any editorial comment or additional information. We hope to expand this script (and add another script pertaining to Wendy and three other dancers) in the near future but, in the interim, this will have to do. At the end of this paragraph is a link to a site maintained by Wendy where she has used some of these stills and some of the videos that were also taken to create her own presentation. You can access this by clicking here.