Obviously, this web site is becoming somewhat more popular. Latest figures seem to indicate Google is our most avid reader as they attempt to scan and map the web. But, the pictures you see here were emailed to us with the notice that we could do what we wanted with them. The pictures in question involve two local Israeli dancers as they spend a night involved with other forms of dancing. We knew this was the case: those interested in the analytics of dance would automatically be attracted to similar pursuits. So, we have decided to delve a little further into Patty Segal's interest in Salsa and Rueda de Casino and into Lee Friedman's interest in Bulgarian dancing which will be the basis of a future script. But in the interim, we present a preliminary script featuring the submitted pictures from both. And, by the way, this website welcomes pictures submitted to it although its editors reserve the right of placement and usage.

On March 26th, Patty attended Salsa on The Square, a bar that specializes in Salsa dancing and Karaoke. Patty has spent the last few months studying Rueda de Casino under the tuteluge of Maestro Flaco, one of the leading salsa instructors in the city. Rueda is a kind of salsa square dance which Patty has really enjoyed learning over the last few months. Some of these pictures show Patty dancing salsa with Flaco. That evening apparently there was only one rendition of Rueda but there are no pictures taken of this. Later in the summer, multiple pictures would be taken and you can see this in the script, Patty on the Square

A longer time in the future Lee Friedman would play DJ at an International dance session on Feb 4, 2017. With pictures from the Feb 4th, 2017 event and other pictures accumulated of Lee dancing around the world this web site finally produced a script dealing with Lee Friedman's dancing around the world.

On March 28, at the Camp Hill compound outside of Kimberton (which should be the subject of its own script some day), Daniela Ivanova gave a workshop in Bulgarian dancing. Daniela has been on a one-woman crusade to reconstruct some of the older Bulgarian folk dances and spread them far and wide. This overlaid a session of the Kimberton folk dancers who relocated their session into this complex for the workshop. Below, you can see Daniela teaching (and dancing) and also Lee Friedman, dancer of all sorts of forms including Israeli dance, in the audience

We want to make note of the dance teacher, Daniela Ivanova, who taught the Bulgarian folkdance session that Lee attended. Daniela is a PHD in folkways whose mission has been to resurrect original Bulgarian folk dances. Generally she is accompanied by an accordian player in her pursuits and we present some pictures of Daniela taken at various workshops (and her book on Bulgarian dance). Note:folkways is a term that denotes human group activities and dancing would be considered as one of the activities.

We continue to follow Patty's foray into salsa and Rueda. We promised above to try to catch Patty doing Rueda and this happened about a month later. On April 26th, the above mentioned Flacco, her instructor in this type of dance, held what he calls the "neck Tie Ball" in Germantown. That evening all sorts of music and dance from Hustle to foxtrot was played and danced to. But, salsa and rueda was the featured dances. This group of pictures shows Patty both dancing salsa and in the middle of the group doing Rueda. Some day a more sophisticated script will be written dealing with Rueda and in how Israeli dancers can interpret these moves. But for now these pictures will have to do.

For this section we return to the activities of Lee Friedman. On Saturday, May 10th, she travelled up to Mountain Lakes, Ny - the home of the Mountain Lakes(Morristown) International dance group - to partake in a kind of workshop consisting of demonstrations of the variuous International dance groups in New Jersey. You can see from these pictures that Lee had no problems in joining in.

We will attempt to extrapolate on the following but here is a preview. There is a group of dancers in Edison who are from China and do half their repretoire in ID and half in Israeli. Here's some pictures of this group (and one of Lee interacting with them) as they appeared in Mountain Lakes that Saturday.