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As indicated in the previous section, Locations, Gwynedd Mercy College lies in the Gwynedd Valley on part of the Willowbrook estate of what was once the residence of the Bond family. In this area, the most famous Bond would be James Bond the ornithologist who name allegedly was used by Ian Fleming for his novels. We recently had a chance to tour GMC and below are some additional pictures of the campus, although to be fair, we were concentrating on the area around the manor estate (this would be the Bond ancestral home).
This is the outside of the Griffin gym, where we believe Hora Aviv took place. This shot includes the Fed Ex truck we used to find parking and it turns out that visitor parking is at the gym. All schools decide what color to set their buildings and Gwynedd Mercy apparently is using a light brown, almost a tan. Given the open space and greeneries, it's quite becoming. The manor house, however, the original Bond estate, is in more traditional red brick. This would be consistent with older brick building in terms of color and we assume that this is the original color. Having grown up in a neighborhood of brick row homes in South Philadelphia, it looked like the bricks had been "pointed" recently
The disk coordinator was directed up to what would turn out to be the Bond home (although he didn't know it at the time) and snapped this picture on his walk. Signs at the school are in red in a similar color to the manor house. In his limited time on campus, the disk coordinator can tell you that on the day of these pictures, it was very pleasant to walk around this campus. The tress and fauna provide for shade and a breeze. No doubt, this reverses during the winter so if you plan to be a student, you have been warned.
Another view of one of the walks - in fact one could describe this as perfect for cart travel too. You get the feel of the spaciousness of the campus. And remember, the campus sits on a part of Willowbrook, the Bond estate, so James Bond when growing up found himself in an almost rural environment.
One side of the house that allows for employee parking. Visitors have to go around (or so I was told) to another entrance. This entrance in this picture would lead into a very large living room available to receive guests. A wide expanse of steps would take you up to the other floors. It seemed to the disk coordinator that there 3 floors but the 3rd floor had almost an attic quality and feel to it, but again in one visit it's difficult to get all the navigation correct.
This is one view of the pavillion discussed in the Gwynedd Mercy section of Locations. The gardening is first class as far as the disk coordinator is concerned and he has had experience with grounds upkeep at the Condo where he lives. Generally, this type of upkeep needs a least one gardener solely dedicated to the grounds if not more. One assumes that the Bonds (and the Morgans thereafter) gave an equal importance to upkeep of the property. For your own information, the disk coordinator has had a series of Emails with Shmuel Batszi, who operates Hora Aviv, about his impressions of the facilities of GMC when Hora Aviv was in residence Memorial Day, 08 and he remembers wide expanses of grounds on his way back and forth to the gym. We had the same impression. This would be your impression if walking around the campus of Gwynedd Mercy College
The next two picture show the gymnasium from the left and the right. In studying these pictures it seems as if there is retractable seating on both sides and when decompressed (opened up) this would replace and sit on the track that goes around the basketball court. Obviously. when the disk coordinator was taking these pictures, the court wasn't being used, but we cannot say the same about the Griffin building. It was a bundle of activity of students lifting weights and using the cycle machines. Even though school was on break, it was apparent that gym is a center for all the students and not just athletes.
We repeat our picture of the gym but from the other side. Notice the windows at the upper level. We were there in the morning and obviously the sun was out. It makes quite an impression in the room itself but it goes with a lot of the architecture of this school, as indicated above, giving a very open look.

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